
Nothing wrong with a partial disagreement. I completely understand your point. Superman is my favorite hero so I will admit I have a bias when it comes to him. I personally can’t associate his theme with anyone else, but can understand where you are coming from 100%.

I really do love Elfman’s Batman theme, but the best to me is the John William’s Superman theme from the Donner movies. It perfectly encapsulates the character in a way that it can never be improved upon.

Yes Ono and Capcom have gone on record a few times that this will be the only iteration of Street Fighter V. All balancing will be included in future free updates as well as the modes and features that currently aren’t included. All DLC characters can be purchased with in-game “fight money” that you gain by playing

A man who takes a fall gloriously...

I can appreciate your opinion Evan, even agree with some of your points, but to say that he is a better overall Spider-Man is something I just don’t feel you backed up in your article.

Peter Parker will probably always be the main Spider-Man in whatever this universe is called now (616, prime, etc.). He got majority

Last I checked it was dubbed on Hulu. I would check it out there.

I agree. I just wish they added this episode back into the mix. Maybe the greatest anime filler episode ever created.

I have been reading the Ultimate universe since it first released and I have never once noticed that. I feel so old and in the way now.

When Disney bought Star Wars and stated that all games and expanded universe novels and comics were now not canon I was fine with it until I realized Kyle Katarn was no longer canon. He is the best Star Wars character introduced into the series; game, movie or other.

I was really impressed until I saw the bottom of third of the cup had Mumen Rider making his way to the fight, then I was blown away. Amazing job.

Will do, thanks again.

If you play on PS4 and need another to join in I’d be happy to play. I have a 295 (currently) Warlock and I can never seem to get a raid group together. PSN: Greyfox213

At 9:55 on the video when he enters the bathroom right off of the bridge, does it have the three seashells from Demolition Man?

You’re telling me you like the Under the Red Hood explanation more then Superboy Prime retcon punching the multiverse? What kind of rational human being are you?

When the Xbox 360 was first announced I tried to preorder it at GameStop but they had already maxed out on reserves so I was pretty bummed. Over the months as the release for the console got closer I became good friends with the manager at the GameStop by my house. At the time I worked at Circuit City and would bring

I still find it so odd that her nationality is Japanese (Mika Nanakawa). She looks like she should be from the Netherlands or even the United States.

This didn’t happen to me but to a friend of mine, but I was actually there to bare witness to the transgression. This was June 2011 and my friend and I decided to go to GameStop as he wanted to trade in his old copy of Super Street Fighter IV to pick up a newer copy of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. The

Based on the later half of the video when D-Walker takes a critical amount of damage it appears like they are automatically fulton’d out of the location. So I think buddy death isn’t possible...thank god, my heart couldn’t handle that.