Baron Von Crogs

Ion Cannon!

Wow, this came out very well. We need fresh blood like this in hollywood. They took great source material and went off into their own alternative time line with it while keeping the MGS feel. A+ what a great fanmovie.

I tried to haggle with a Circuit City employee last year on a price of an HDTV. He said that he wouldn't haggle because he has "integrity".

It maybe that we value a larger bill to be more or that we would just rather not break a larger bill unnecessarily.


1) Co-Op is a must

I rarely buy my games for full retail price. I just got Fallout 3 from Amazon for $45. My roommate just got Left 4 Dead for $45 from Circuit City.

So one guy makes the ratings by himself?

Not bad then I'll have to see if I want at least ten of the songs badly, if so I might as well buy the whole album.

Westwood made the best intros and ingame movies ever. Stalin - telling me to go kill people!

I still dont understand how it hurts anyone if they just lower the prices. They've done it with a few titles already..

Id get it if I couldn't read everything online already.


Awful awful idea. This is the problem with only letting us buy the "rights" to these games and not OWNING the game. If something happens to my HDD, or if I'm running out of space I need to redownload it now I might be screwed.

12. Option to automatically associate new DRM to items downloaded for free.