barnum brownie

What am I going to do with myself until this show comes back on? Must. Stay. CALM.

Coffee Arson Love Manon chocolates

He has always had human hands. I'll use this opportunity to link you to my favorite Swedish Chef segment so you can observe:…

I found this while scanning Hulu, and thought it was one of their parody shows a la Real Housewives. So very relieved it wasn't!

I'm going to have to go against the popular vote here and say that I was not a fan of last night's episode. On the one hand, I feel like I was cheated out of five months of JtV somehow by all the time jumps - and it felt like a major reset of so many plot issues that had only just been introduced (Petra's coerced

Damn fine baby-acting on this show.

That and the Emma Stone joke had me laughing so hard I thought I was seriously going to bust my gut. Ow, my abs.

Your brain knows a lot of things.


In-universe fan fiction is the best/worst fan fiction.

Let's all agree to never revisit 90's hairstyles again.

I hope they're Valyrian steel.

I kind of want this show to change everything about itself, but also to never change? It's complicated. What the fuck indeed.

Huge disparity in the reviewer's grade and community grade for this one.

He made Ricky Martin look lazy.

The three major lessons I've learned from fiction are 1. don't get involved in a land war in Asia, 2. don't seek out reproductive health treatment in FL, and 3. never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

I didn't realize how much I really really really enjoy this show until my sisters started watching with me a few weeks ago. At first I was self-conscious about my endless girlish giggles, squeals of delight, unabashed gasps, and wistful sighs, but it didn't take too long for them to join in too.

The great thing about this show is that there are no bad characters - ANY of them could just as easily be one's homeslice, no matter what they're up to.

Since the historical accuracy train long ago left the station, took several perilous sharp turns, derailed, grew wings, and flew into outer space, I have no idea what to expect on this show anymore. It could be a trick! It could be the truth! It could be BEARS OH GOD NO NOT BEARS and I wouldn't be the least bit

"Claude going down the secret passage" definitely sounds like a euphemism.