
Here’s another angle:

When more people actually voted for your opponent, it’s hard to rally the proverbial troops under the banner of “look how much support I have!”

I have the same last name as that fuck. I feel like Michael Bolton these days.

Donald Trump is rooting for the Pats. John Lewis is a Falcons fan. That is all.

What’s more important, making Roger unhappy or making Trump unhappy? I’m choosing the latter - GO FALCONS

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

He threw at other players to make a point, so he kind of was a villain on a TV show. Professional sports are entertainment. I’m a Royals fan too and still liked him. But I can be realistic and understand how a fan of another team would view him.

Dude. He was saying that as a fan of another team. Ventura was the kind of player you love when he’s on your team and hate to face *because he’s so good*. It was a compliment and he recognized this as the tragedy it is.

Indeed; he was on the rise as one of the premier villains in the MLB. His talent was undeniable and coupled with a stare that would make MadBum flinch, he could’ve truly become one of the MLB great-to-hate players.

Trump tweet: “Fact: Gregg Popovich is a loser who has never won anything. I only care about what winners have to say. Sad.”

Popavich is good at dealing with leathery orange spheres.

Tears of joy! Stay safe out there, folks!

Sarah Kendzior wrote something similar a few months ago. It hasn’t gotten any easier to read or relevant with time...

It’s not clear if Assange will stick to that pledge.

He died at 73 which is like 120 in wrestler years....

Pinche Plaza Sesamo!!!!!

It’s NASCAR. We can’t understand the native “English” speakers, either.

“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

Luckily enough the Trump immigration policy makes allowances for white lingerie models.