Yes, that completely describes a man who went to columbia, harvard, and then oxford. and graduated with honors.
Yes, that completely describes a man who went to columbia, harvard, and then oxford. and graduated with honors.
Check out Jamey Johnson. He’s part of the outlaw country along the lines of merle haggard, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash.
That’s called “discovery”. They asked for all communications Kesha made to anyone in the industry about Dr. Luke, and they got it. It’s a normal part of civil litigation. I’m just surprised she didn’t say more things to more people. Your telephone and text messages remain evidence forever.
Thanks mom.
Challenge accepted! Not sure how you plan on going to war as an anti-2nd Amendment, anti-violence party though...
it’s easy to call for war when you have no stake in the battle (read: children)
So your suggestion is to murder a child... ok
My 10 yo nephew is a great baseball player and a smart and confident guy. He also recently started sleeping with his octopus stuffie, Sam, again because of hearing the news from the US.
Why don’t you go yourself and try dragging her. Or President Trumps son. Internet tough little punk boy
Getting Trump by going after his wife is pretty shameless.
Calling for violence to be inflicted on 10 year olds. That is a nice moral high ground you stand on.
A big enough bucket/basin can be found cheap at hardware stores or even Target, if a trash can weirds you out. We had a short tub just for kegs in college.
Like you’re doing right now?
Don’t have time for any of that stuff. Ill help a person in need on a train or on the street, regardless of color, especially kids. But its time to start filtering out the immigrants. More quality than quantity. And the hell with being politically correct. Unless we want dumb cheap labor, in which case there are…
Your citizens are making your country look like an chaotic anarchy. People cannot accept the decision of the Government THEY put in place instead rebel. Your president is doing EXACTLY what he said he would and thats why you all voted him into power.