
No names, not illegal. Still pretty gross and completely unprofessional, though. If I found out my orthodontist was laughing about me — by name or not — behind my back, I’d be looking for other orthodontists ASAP and yelping the shit out of his practice.

Not to be a grumpy gus, but is nobody else bothered that this doctor is posting some girl’s medical information on fucking Twitter? Is that even legal? That would piss me right off, and I’m a 40-year-old man who doesn’t really give a shit. If I were 17, I think I would be really upset by this.

It’s an opinion piece, appended to a blog that often features opinion pieces.

The primary divide between this opinion piece and others on larger, more prominent platforms (looking at you, Cillizza) is that Nathan took the time to break down the primary components of the controversy, to explain why each side feels the

Did you read about Jones’ custody trial? His lawyer had to admit in court that Jones was a “performance artist”, so his show couldn’t be used as evidence that he’s a psychopath. They know they aren’t a legitimate news org, but they know there is a demographic of morons willing to pay them money for claiming they are.

These people really love their “free speech” catch-all. You’d think they’d learn what it actually means one of these days.

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

“Bureau Chief?” Amazing. These fuckwits actually think they’re a legitimate news organization.

That was a long way to go for such a half-assed troll attempt.

This story is still not about you, Steven.

So women, then?

It’s not policing of freedom of speech. Twitter is a private platform, with terms of service everyone agrees to when they sign up. Violating those terms of service allows them to suspend or delete the account.

Thoughts and prayers

You’re probably a troll, but fuck it and fuck you. I’m on the second floor of an inside hallway in a school surrounded by heavy wrought iron fence. You think I don’t fucking know we’re sitting ducks? But going outside and being visible is riskier than sitting in a dark classroom behind several doors. What we do is

How in the Hell do you “carefully” not buy a ticket? Did she think Black Panther tickets are sentient and were waiting around the corner to beat her over the head while denouncing whitey and telling her to pick a different date?

I wouldn’t waste my time doing it in the first place.

Not to single you out but a lot of commenters on this thread seem to be under the impression that black people are either A) dragons or B) didn't exist until James Brown first coalesced from the Funkuverse in 1963. There were black people in Medieval Europe. Full stop. The only thing historically inaccurate would be

There's no "two sides throwing a fit" you illiterate shit eater.

So in other words, you get your politics from South Park?