
Sigh. Here goes nothing: Omar makes valid points. I’m not saying this woman is lying. I’m not saying that AB is innocent. I know I’ll get called a men’s rights activist or a troll or whatever but this notion of dragging people through the mud based solely on accusations is crazy. It doesn’t mean your insensitive to

To be...I dunno, fair-ish? to the Skins...they haven’t really overpaid any insane malcontents. Bruce Allen’s MO seems to be signing the most boring ass people to play 8-8 football from here until eternity. At the very least, Washington wouldn’t be smart enough to sign Brown now; they’ll do it when he’s thoroughly

I prefer gears for my sex, umm, gear.

Everything done to this car adds to its value. That’s unusual for CL.

This price is mid-pack biased slightly toward the lower end of the spectrum for all Mondials currently on eBay.

You're not my real wagon!

Not a guess.

Correct me if I’m wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the Golf Rs they’ll lock me up and throw away the key.”

Unfortunately, due to a poorly drawn sketch with inaccurate notations on it, the latest SUV came out at 1/12 scale.

The people that do notice are the ones you want to talk to, like a secret club initiation. “The first rule of jalop club is that you must rebadge your car as a different make/model”

That sounds more like an Atlantic City idea.

You’ll never find a more diverse group of rich white guys.

Uh... isn’t Gizmodo Media Group currently owned by private equity firm Great Hills Partners? Good luck?

“You’ve been traded to the Knicks.”

This is finally a crossover I can get behind. Audi’s styling translates well to being a little taller, with a sloped back - a bit like the A7/S7. While BMW and Mercedes never quite got that sloped roof right, Audi did.

I’m sure that wouldn't create any copyright issues at all

License plates are always shared with the general public.

Dude, I’m pretty sure that’s a Spyker!

Are there firearm crimes Krasner has refused to prosecute? That seems out of character for such a progressive DA. I get not prosecuting drug possession and other non-violent crimes but firearm and violent crimes? That’s just not doing his job. That's not the kind of crime that should come under decarceration. 

I’m out until it’s certified dolphin-safe and fair-trade.