
At least Harper didn’t say he was going to recruit Trout to DC.

We have top men working on that question right now…

Good... GOOD. Let the hate, the butthurt, floow through you.

I mean... this is an entirely different thing from blackface and I’m not even sure you need to apologize for it. I went to a school in the 90s that also had a Kappa Alpha chapter and the “old south” party is a thing all chapters hold, I think. Not saying that I, as one of the extreme minority of non-white people on

i know because i knew one of the dead kids. 

Starbucks Man/Michael Avenatti 2020: We can also sell you cocaine 

ill-fated federal spending bill that would’ve greased the skids for a return to the site of RFK Stadium, in DC’s Ward 6, where absolutely no one wants it.

I disagree, the reason being most FOs and many players hate what AD, LeBron, and Rich Paul are trying to pull off here. The dude is trying to switch teams with 2 years left on his contract! Specific teams! That’s an insane precedent. 

“I mean the odo said 156,163, but I got on the phone with the guy and was able to talk him down to 147,382!  I gave him my social and mother’s maiden and we sealed the deal then and there!”

CP.  That paint job makes it look like the Twisted Sister staff car.

A+++ Totally fair trade, would be pleased to do business with the devil again.

Classic self burn.

Adams’s reaction to the trophy breaking just makes the moment near perfect.

I don’t dislike the front end. 

Someone paid $33,000 for an OTS Renegade kit, wrap, and some wheel spacers? Damn.

I actually like how it looks, but solid CP.

Ed. note: