
I would like to commend you guys on your no-nonsense “List Slides” button on these. Bravo! (no sarcasm)

That picture. He’s effing, Cobra Commander!

Wait, what?

Did you find any seams?


I do a one handed mode. I have most common used buttons mapped all to the left the controller. Specifically the “A”, “B” an “Y” buttons to the two triggers and right dpad. SL and SR are used to open nook phone and nook phone’s upper bonus nook mile row. Up dpad for inventory, down d pad for tool wheel. The only thing

Another great option is PS4 remote play! I don’t even have a TV connected to my PS4. I just have it hidden away with a LAN cable attached to my WiFi router. I played all of TLOU2 (and RDR2 and more) on my laptop via the remote play app. It’s great!

Lol. Seriously though. It works A-MA-ZING for me and I love not needing to buy a console/PC for those games. I’m one of the tens!

That was the whole reason I clicked on the article. “There is something wrong here and I need to find out what”

ibb and obb is great for playing with “non-gamer” spouses! Just rebought it for Switch.

How is there not a quip about how prophetic this game about delivery people keeping America alive in times of an invisible threat causing massive death and making people stay indoors?

How is there not a quip about how prophetic this game about delivery people keeping America alive in times of an

AM/FM is new for them. And also: They took our high paying, high tech jobs!

It’s a shiny (hah!) new thing that will get them publicity for using it. That’s why they’re interested.

That’s what skiplagged does.

Thanks Thorin.

This is great. The only issue I have is that I can’t get my buttons to work correctly on this controller. Buttons do random things (like left goes up, right goes “select”, etc.) within games and other random things within the menu: