
Why is this on gizmodo?

A freaking Kalashnikov AK-47!

@Riggs Rector: I enjoy the Flood. Nice change of pace in the gameplay. 343 Guilty Spark did an excellent job of introducing them.

Battlefield Halo...I like this idea.

Thaaat's it, I'm re-reading the series, starting tonight.

@Josh Young: Don't forget the awesome Star Furies.

Still the best.

Also, what's up with Russia and Europe having almost no natural disasters?

As someone who lives in Missouri and right this second just went through a tornado warning, I can tell you it sucks when the forecasters call for severe storms. It's never any fun having a panic attack watching a tornadic storm slowly move toward you on the radar.

Three light-years tall eh? That's a little big.

@PortableGoogle: You know, you can leave a note on your door giving your permission for them to leave the package at the door, right?

@dasilisk: You can remove the casing from the original 360 HDD and just set it into the slim. They use the same kind of hard drive. It's basically a laptop hdd with a fancy plastic cover.

I've had this movie on my desk for a month now, and I still haven't gotten round to watching it. But I have been using Netflix to watch BSG and Babylon 5, as well as other movies, so I'm definitely getting my money's worth.

And no NSFW link to the full image? For shame.

@Hahaue: ME2 was certainly a change for the better in the gameplay department, but story wise...well, that's a different story.

@Mokon: I'm loving my Sennheiser PC 350s.

@rolsenrob: Call of Duty 4 also felt like a hollywood action movie. To say the CoD series accurately represents the intense feelings of being in war, you've got to be very, very out of touch with reality.