
@Lightice: This. Fearmongery serves no-one. Let's get some constructive thinking going instead.

@Archaotic: It is getting really annoying. I'll probably just get the standard version and pirate all of the extra stuff, because I'm sick of devs doing this.

Clearly, the platypus is the height of evolution and will, eventually, take over the planet.

Um, someone released a bunch of balloons, no biggie?

Ah yes, ignoring the platform that made you big in the first place. Nice move.

That wasn't really a space battle, more of a space siege.

@Bryy Miller: There are numerous ways to innovate, the developers just need to be creative. Take Red Orchestra 2, for instance.

@Bryy Miller: The gameplay isn't anything new. Sure, nice setting, but the gameplay in an FPS is what counts.

Call me back when they decide to make games that aren't rehashes meant to simply rake in cash and do something that moves the genre forward.

@comrade_leviathan: Re-read the article. He's not the unsung hero character-wise, but as an actor.

Makes me want to watch BSG. And now that it's on Netflix, I think I will.

@GMorgan: That's why I buy local meat cut from farm-raised animals. It costs a bit more, but it definitely tastes better, and I'm safe in the knowledge that the cow that I'm eating wasn't living in an over-crowded, shit-filled pen all day. Agreed that factory farming needs to change.

@XerxesQados: Indeed, while it's still healthy, I prefer something a little more fresh.

@Boomdiggity!: Nice to hear from someone who works in the industry. It's good that the whole animal is put to use.

@Bawb3: Dammit, beat me to it.

So, all they say is sorry but don't give a reason? Glad I never bought this.

@Ecks: This is just one reason why matchmaking fucking sucks.

@MaNiFeX: And keeping that attitude only lets them keep it up.