
@Pheermee: 'Cause a well lit corridor/room isn't as scary. Also, pfft, who needs to see where they're going, right? Right guys?

@bernardmatthews: It's a mini-map style motion tracker, just like in AvP Classic and AvP-2. Aliens: Colonial Marines is going to have you hold the actual tracker unit in one hand and a pistol in the other.

@pkt-zer0: I guess every game that has deathmatch in it is a "sequel-count reset".

@IZaVeN: Handhelds are HUGE in Japan.

@RawrSpoon: They didn't say it would be the last Halo title, only that it was the last in that story arc.

@Stradigos: That's kinda how I went into AvP Classic. But it's got brilliant lighting and sound effects, it really makes for some damn fun MP.

@Kowl Slaw: 10 year old game that Rebellion decided to bring back. It's not a goddamn trend, giving AvP Classic dedicated servers would mean spending even more time writing code, time that needs to be put to use making AvP (which has been confirmed to have dedicated servers). Classic has great multiplayer as-is.

@sansa: I was surprised to find that it also supports whatever resolution you're running, and adjusts the in-game POV accordingly. Very nice work on part of Rebellion.

@kearneybobs: Agreed, as much as I love Steam (purchase almost exclusively from it now), and even though I'm a US resident, they really need to fix that pricing issue.

@Azures: Zaeeds loyalty quest had me feeling pretty bad at the end.

@BanhammerStrikesBack: This. You get a much deeper and more cinematic experience playing the games than you would watching a movie. A film version would just feel like a watered down version of the games.

@gessyca: Did you just compare Half Life to a flash game? You really, seriously think the final installment of Half-Life takes as much time and effort to make as a flash game? You really have no clue.

@Bubbleman!: I think he got his stomach stapled during or before King Kong.

@kakarotthemonkey: Because making a large game like Half Life 2 Episode 3 takes a lot more time and effort than making an updated version of a multiplayer game.

@Dash: @TheOmnitron:

@Delano_J: Fuck you. Bungie tries to help out people who are the victims of a natural disaster and you go and call it self-strokery. Fuck you.

@Sacré bleu:too much HW: $4 incredibly expensive for hours of work? You do realize adding new cars to Forza isn't like whipping up a couple of new maps in an editor, right? You've got to digitally scan the entire car, record how it sounds at different speeds, and much more. And all that costs plenty of money to do.

@Sacré bleu:too much HW: Considering the incredible amount of work that goes into putting just one car into the game, I'd say paying $4 is justified.