barista to the stars

1) She did say it.

Yeah, what a shame she only said it 100 times instead of 101. Apparently, the 101st time’s the charm.

Honestly, going so far as to trash America to defend Putin is unprecedented. And it was off the cuff, which is even more confusing. Like he truly believes this false equivalence.

Trump ditched his own Super Bowl party tonight before the turnaround. Looks like Tom Brady learned something John McCain already knew, Trump is only a fan of Patriots when they’re winning.

Look up Adam Khan on Twitter, he is doing some amazing reporting on Trump and Kushner’s Russia ties, the more you read you will realize how completely Russia owns them both.

The modern right wing:

Yea, the brilliance of the Manchurian Candidate was that he didn’t know he was a foreign agent. Trump basically takes every opportunity to point out that he is working for the Russians. How dangerous he is tends to be impeded by his staggering incompetence.

The chilling bit is that if Chomsky said it, it would be because he abhors murder, whereas Trump says it like a verbal shrug. It’s as if he expects to be dabbling in a bit of murder himself quite shortly.

Here’s the thing, though — if Trump were in cahoots with Putin, would he be so monumentally stupid as to make his support this obvious? I’m not asking as a rhetorical question. He’s made it clear he’s incapable of keeping his Goddamn mouth shut when necessary — otherwise he wouldn’t be impugning a judge’s legitimacy

This is really, really great.

They’re all in agreement with him. America is as bad as Russia, and that’s that. Had Obama said it, they’d have destroyed him, but since it’s Trump it cannot be denied.

Let’s not forget the so-called “apartment bombings” of 1999, which—whoever may have been behind them, coughVladimircough— helped shore up and solidify Putin’s power at a critical moment, when his popularity was at a dangerously low ebb, as he responded with an aggressive onslaught against “Chechen terrorists”

This utter inability to stop fighting this battle tells you all you need to know about him. Even another president in cahoots with Putin would publicly drop this and go along with the American line of hating the guy. His stubborn ass will. not. let. it. go. because he always has to be right.

For years, Republicans called Obama a socialist, communist and a fascist, without irony. Now we have a President who openly admires a murderous Russian dictator and acts like a tyrant, yet the Right says nothing. Where are all the Tea Partiers with their misspelled signs denouncing Trump?

What’s a few IQ points? Have some Flint water!

And double-fuck Murkowski and Collins for announcing they’ll vote against her on the floor (where it won’t do any good) but voting yes to move her out of committee and end debate (where it would’ve). So principled!

Is this how we’re going to address rabid evangelism? Christians are allowed to keep being Christians, and if gay people are discriminated against they only have their fellow gays to blame? Fuck that. This man is straight. It’s up to the straight Christian majority to start policing their own.

As someone who is finishing up their special education teaching credential and masters in special ed, this breaks my heart and terrifies me in equal measure. Her not knowing the IDEA (absolutely fundamental disability law) is federally implemented is inexcusable. A dramatic shift in funding towards charter schools

Looks like she’s getting what she paid for (though by “good and honest government” she means “Jesus schools,” of course):