
I find that going to mass has become enjoyable when I mentally debate the priest in my head during the homily.

It’s my first Christmas away from CA, which is a feat considering two deployments, so my new tradition is Irish coffee and Christmas movies at my apartment. It is nice to be away from my mom who managed to yell at a baby this year in a fit of rage though.

From a traditional standpoint you don’t fight wars against concepts either.

Do you know where from? Trophy Brewing’s Double Death Spiral and Double Lutz are pretty damn good. Fullsteam has a solid IPA/PA, but I prefer their more seasonal stuff.

Or the more “juicy” IPAs. One of the better ones I’ve had is from Raleigh and bills itself as a “Modern IPA”.

Is it too late to tell Marchman to go fuck himself?

Was it by any chance a “Tömi Lähren”? That model is notorious for missing the brain.

That argument cuts both ways. Jill Stein’s continued hedging on issues like vaccines causing autism or WiFi giving children cancer along with her inarticulate positions on student debt relief methods and foreign policy don’t earn her votes among Hillary supporters either.

How many people have been killed and wounded in the GWOT again?

So the last time all three branches of government were controlled by the same party we started a Global War on Terror that hasn’t yet ended and set the conditions that led to a global financial collapse we’re only just now recovering from. What exactly qualifies as a national existential crisis for you?

I would have thought that it was a distraction from her failed assassination attempt on Mike Pence.

He’s only been playing captains lately. Are there any funny captains?

Those coalition politics have resulted in widespread panic in Europe over refugees, bad economic policy, and Brexit. You can ask those questions all you want but don’t think that a proportional system automatically means your pet policies will be enacted.

Hillary? Is that you?

Shouldn’t Prince’s performance be the complete opposite of asexual? Is there a rating of purely, totally sexual?

Like these? Kidding, of course. I think that as long as that rule of athlete's preference is codified, it'll be the best solution.

None. I think the military might have something to do with that.

Air quotes and absolutes. If a military only exists to take resources, what do you call the organization that resists foreign militaries when they invade?

Ok, you’re set in your opinion that the military is inherently violent and evil and that nothing can change it. Nothing I say or do will convince you otherwise. I will say this though: I think it’s precious that you hold onto your point of view. No one is making claims that the military is the most progressive

What makes you think it doesn't?