
It’s definitely a topcoat-style jacket. I’d either go Carhartt like what pinkbunnyhat said or maybe these:

I’d probably agree with you, since your run-of-the-mill banana bread shares a lot of the spices that you would taste in a carrot cake/pumpkin pie.

Sure, but a Harvard law graduate and avid shooter should be able to figure how to hold his weapon in such a way that it isn’t pointed at anyone. If there were that many people around me, I’d probably just put it someplace else and do the interview. Once someone presents themselves as knowledgeable in a subject, they

Alright, here’s a statement then: Greer is wrong.

Being wrong doesn't have an age limit.

No mention of Paula Deen playing Orlando Bloom’s aunt, Paula Deen?

Did you see how the game last year ended?

I don’t know what this gentleman does or has done, but it really bugs me when people wear parts of military uniforms as regular clothing. That jacket right there? It’s objectively ugly and bad at being a jacket. And I have to wear it pretty much every day.

Well, I hope that the podcast speaks to the larger issue that Americans by and large are growing more and more segregated from the military. As a service member who has worked with people formerly in Bergdahl’s unit, there is a lot to unpack regarding the former point even without touching on the greater

Which perspectives? Loyalty among service members to the unit/service, or loyalty between civilians and the military? It’s an interesting choice for sure, but based on my interactions with people the average US citizen doesn’t know enough about the military to approach the Bergdahl case cold.

No worries. Evan Williams has been there for some of my lowest lows so there’s no way I’d forget it’s bourbon haha

Evan Williams is bourbon...

Ironic, considering Ft. Bragg was the site of one of the first same sex marriages in the Army.

How about an Eyeshield 22 game with this playstyle? It might be far enough removed from the “realism” to lend itself to the format. Either that or something like NFL Street or Blitz?

This is not constructive at all, but can someone just take a fire hose to those signs, the windows, cars, and any occupants that wander outside that house?

I agree that the military-industrial complex and prevalence of militarism in American culture are issues, but I disagree that they should be ignored. If anything, I think that because Americans of all kinds would very much rather not think critically about the military, its application in foreign policy, or even

If he was, then the RIs didn’t see it because he got his tab too. He’s sitting right next to her in the photo.

Passing Ranger School is only one step toward joining the Ranger Regiment. Everyone trying to join has to pass another selection and assessment.

Not everyone who passes Ranger School gets into the Ranger Regiment, male or female. Anyone trying out for Regiment has to go to an additional selection program (RASP).

I agree. Wasn’t his advice something like, “Take your time, eat, get drunk, and try to have sex with someone?”