
Call me biased (I am) but I feel like more could be said at how batshit insane Cal was just in the last season (WSU, Arizona) and how the main reason they should be OK is the fact that they somehow have the best passer in the PAC-12 North.

Again with the grandstanding and hand wringing over these poor kids who are getting deluded into service. If the whole damn thing is corrupt do something about it instead of spewing your dime store rhetoric on the internet. I had every opportunity in life and decided to serve while still retaining my fairly liberal

Yeah, the first time through they were given Day 1 recycles

You can keep recycling until your either quit or get kicked out.

And yet you cast these service members as stooges who either don’t know better or have no other options. Right.

You do realize that the best way to prove your point is to let women into Ranger school and keep the standards right?

Thanks for the flippant tone that dismisses why these women and their fellow candidates are doing this.

She looks like Flo from the Progressive commercials...

But, but...the NFC Best...

You didn’t miss out on anything but the bizarre sense of Stockholm Syndrome-like pride that comes with being a Paratrooper and various injuries you get jumping, haha.

Military plane rides are the worst. My worst experience was about 3 hours in the bird looking like these guys. It was painful, but it didn’t really get bad until someone threw up. We didn’t get to jump, either so guess how many more of us threw up on the way back to the airfield?

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that her dude is an E-7 in the Army, which raises some issues. First, I doubt that active duty service members are allowed to solicit money like that; second, dude probably makes pretty good money especially if he’s claiming residency in Charleston as a recruiter; third, it

Part of me feels like the AF brass don’t want these because they run the good looks of the jet.

Yeah, but there’s a chance that I might be moving back to her neck of this woods this fall. Is it wrong to be hopeful that she might feel the same way if I do?

That’s part of why I feel conflicted though. We were only together for a couple months, so why do I feel so shitty? It just seems like we were at that point where we were getting really comfortable with calling each other our SO and now there’s nothing. I don’t even know if I should talk with or text her.

Hey guys, I posted on here a few weeks ago about pursuing a potential long-distance relationship and I really appreciate the advice I got. Well, I decided to just be upfront and honest with her and just go with the flow while she figured out where she wanted the relationship to go. Sadly, this past week she called me

Oh, I agree. All the new barracks I’ve seen are dorm-style with a shared bathroom, so no open bays for regular housing.

That’s surprising. I’m tempted to say that the base might have been former Army. Either that or it was an old barracks building. I know that on some Army posts they contract out housing to a hotel company and turn all the post housing into “hotels” that are basically the barracks buildings with hotel furniture.

I’ve never actually been to the resorts like Dragon Lodge or Hale Koa, I was more referring to the run-of-the-mill base hotels people stay in for TDY or travel. I’ve heard nice things about all of the military resorts though.

It really is staggering to compare Air Force and Army facilities. I remember randomly getting a Temporary Lodging room at Nellis while on a trip to Vegas and it completely wiped the floor with any Army hotel I’ve ever been in.