
Steve was the name of a bouncer during a weird night out in my teenage years. Simply invoking his name induced reverence among other doormen, opened up lines, and had past transgressions forgotten.

Still spectacular- as is the drive down the coast, but The Twelve Apostles are now down to 8.

I only travel with that one (inner) kid- myself that wants to press all the buttons and jump out.

Finally worked out who she reminded me of. Not exact... but close enough:

Would love to see the table facing her at nomination lined with water bottles and blankets.

Putin has saber rattled 3 times in the last week. Latest was today warning the US bombing certain areas of Syria would justify Russian response. Putin’s connection to the poisoning in the UK is also strong.

Twitch Prime members can get the original Devil May Cry in HD for free on PC for a limited time with their Twitch Prime membership.

One can short of a beer can regatta.

I liked the article and am going to share it. Nicely laid out.


If you take out all the God comments, rapey bits and mall banning .....

Yep, save the tweet and be angry longer.

Flavors and Peer Pressure and Pods. The 2010's are so colorful.

Maybe we can start to put a line through the second to last one.

You are assuming that global warming still cares about the Winter Olympics.

The European Union has accused Luxembourg of giving illegal tax breaks to Amazon and has ordered the country to recover $295 million in back taxes from Amazon.

My students are enjoying their video /media elective class. We play older pc games and make iMovies about them. Just discharged my grant obligation for the year (20 minutes of video), so everything is fun and games. I have squeezed in a few DigiPen and FullSail student-made games as well. It’s fun to watch them teach

Bowflex’s Insanely Popular Adjustable Dumbbells Are Cheaper Than They’ve Been In Months

Bowflex’s Insanely Popular Adjustable Dumbbells Are Cheaper Than They’ve Been In Months

Gave TMS to 8th graders as an example to describe technology like air conditioning and MP3 files in an era they didn’t exist.