
Could go for some gado2 about now.

What about Indonesian?

  • Trump’s plane was stocked with “many packages” of Oreos because once one was open, he refused to eat from it again.

Trump can be found this weekend, not out on the golf course but on the street corner of ‘Shit’ and ‘Scared’.

Imagine how much more powerful Trump would be (at least in his own mind), if he harnessed half the crap that this person is spewing forth.

.... and find / camp out at a good Indian restaurant.

Call of Duty.

Call of Duty.

Call of Duty.

Call of Duty.

Bungie, you used to be better than this.

I was afraid to google but I really want a Rock Lobster calender to exist. :-)

Maybe we should Melania, and ourselves one of these:

In related news Trump will also tell you that you Do Indeed see 5 lights.

Being playing games for decades now and seem a lot of business modes and skulduggery.

The only thing murderous here is the design of that house.

Oh, the power of words. context and cherry picking. :-)


Caught this today on the pheboo app. Same episode Colbert told the story of how Roy Moore met his future wife at a school dance when she was 15 and straight up called him a pedophile.

The greater concept of rampant Christian nationalism has been making the rounds...even before Moore.

“I don’t believe in science,” Hughes explains, helpfully.

Part of it was a play on words from a controversial political figure years ago in Australia. Words (of truth), kind of peeved the tourist industry.