
This is basically every kid who took the tech class in middle school in the 2000's life. we spent like a good 4th of the whole year designing stable bridge models on this computer program than trying to recreate them in real life using toothpicks and card stock.

I'd like every single one of these thank you.

as soon as I heard the music I knew I wanted this game. GOG I love 80's style rock ballads.

someone actually made a second person game actually. as an art experiment. basically it was two characters trying to shoot each other, except you were viewing the game through the opponents camera.

same people who designed DC

Has anyone else noticed the lack of British accents and how jarring it is with the setting? I'm not complaining, I think it's cool to have a "Neo-Victorian Fantasy" without British accents, but I mean I'm so used to it that it actually feels really weird and off.

You are correct. Rocket was part of an experiment to uplift Earth species.


Everyone on here seems to have yet to hear of Kotobukiya Models

I LOVE the modern music with it.

OMG I REMEMBER THIS GAME. it was one of the many prepackaged games I got with my big ol Toshiba PC. (you got like a whole CD book full of programs and games)

Honestly, for some reason this made me realise how AMAZING a Transformers MOBA would be.

Yeah first off he made it too long and skinny. I understand why he did, but I feel like that significantly affected it's weildability. secondly people forget the blade part has no weight, which is why a "REAL" Energy Sword wouldn't be nearly as hard to swing. It would actually be a little too easy to over swing and

Absolutely agree with this. this is why you still see Jazz and Folk on records (even if it very much of it), because sometimes it feels like the song is missing something if it doesn't have that beautiful nostalgic scratchiness in it.

well it'd be all of them wouldn't it? since his three kids are all with his first wife. Neil's become a sort of frequent acquaintance to my family. not saying I know him at all, just saying I've seen his real personality a few times. I think Children might've humbled him, but he's a very personable guy now. Heck he

Gold Fought him, I think he had a Cameo during Crystals volume, ALL the characters showed up in Emerald's Volume (spoilers: they were subsequently all made into statues... don't worry they got better)

Also Fun fact: in Halo they say Hoorah as a combination of all the different Battlecries, because the UEG dissolved the Army, Navy, and Marines all into a single entity.

Thats really kind of a backronym I think. pretty sure Hooah came first, then someone decided it stood for something.

Yeah I was talking about the regular one with the Memory slot. I liked the grips and the spacing.

I just really like a full cockpit view when driving vehicles. more immersive and all that.