
Er what do you mean a few manga appearances? He had 1 and a half volumes dedicated to him in Adventure/Special and made numerous appearances after that.

I'd like to know the reasons behind the assault? was it because it seemed like a recording device? I just can't think of a reason to assault someone over it.

Knowing Neil like I do if you wrote to him about that he'd probably apologise profusely now. He's changed. was this before or after he had his kid?

funny this is almost my exact goal in life. I want a Cafe/Bar/Bookstore that has a sex store in the basement :P

to top this off, if you remember, there was assault team assassin's in Assassin's Creed I. You hear them fighting over the intercom when they are trying to bust Desmond out, so it's perfectly reasonable to have an assassin in full combat gear.

Verdict: Ditch consoles and build a PC. this is coming from a console gamer. Consoles are dying in my opinion. the only thing going for them anymore is some of their exclusives and even that is slowly going away (Halo games getting put on PC for example, also Emulators).

Wow... almost none of these seem functional in the slightest.

yes but can it actually be used? theres a reason real wood bows aren't covered in ridiculous bits of metal and all those weird angles.

which you know is the inherent aspect of a ROLE-PLAYING game. not the numbers and leveling up. but the creation of your own character and your own story. Am I the only one who doesn't consider JRPG's RPG's AT ALL?

and in one of the best video game series of my childhood. I really can't wait to get my hands on this game.

spreading butter is super easy as long as you put it on the hot bread as soon as it comes out of the toaster then wait a minute for it to melt a little.

I know. I still don't even have a 3DS XL to play Pokemon on. thats my first console buy for the next year. then probably a Steam Machine, then a Xbone once It's dropped a hundred or so.

So Xbox sincerely congratulates their launch and Sony responds by insulting them? Douchebag Sony strikes again. My biggest problem with Sony has always been their attitude. they put on this image of how they are better than everyone else and act like everyone should love them because of it. I don't care how much

How does one do top right, top left, etc. on that though? did we lose 4 button positions in the Xbox One?

Video or it didn't happen.

More importantly. this means you can play your laptop through your xbox. Steam on Xbox here I come.

Pretty sure Magcargo is just a bad conversion between japanese and english. most of the pokemon have ridiculous hyperbole attached to them

Someone never saw the original X-Men movie.

Just realised the new Xbox doesn't have a Disc Tray... not fond of that.