
That’s funny, because Hillary doesn’t.

She worked for Kissinger before she worked for Rockefeller and McGovern (1968, 1974), moron. Hence why she has a love-hate relationship with his policies.

Hey, you’re asking other women to vote with their vaginas. What’s the difference? Oh, I know: ‘cause it’s Hillary !

All of those things I’ve mentioned? Yes, I would ask a man those questions. Hence why I did not vote for McCain or Bush.

I used YOUR words, i.e., “welcome with open arms.” So direct those criticisms at yourself.

So did I — and I’m originally from a socialist country.

No chance in Hell. It’s called THIRD PARTY.

Then what? You’ve got Wall Street assholes in Congress with a Wall Street asshole-controlled President.

So why weren’t you crying over Sarah Palin?

Except one received a shit ton of money from Wall Street, voted for the Iraq War, and moved to a state just to be elected to office. I won’t bother to remind you which one.

Hillary’s a bigot, too. Cf. her comments about blacks, Millennial women, and Jews. But since she didn’t actually come out and denigrate the right ethnic group, i.e., Latinos, then apparently, her racism/misogyny is a-okay among “intellectual” liberals.

Then why, if we are to vote with our ovaries, didn’t we elect McCain and Sarah Palin in 2008? Because Palin was simply unfit for the position. Hillary is not fit to be President, either. Had Elizabeth Warren been the candidate or even Tammy Duckworth, we would not be having this conversation. In fact, I highly doubt

Sweden’s a coffee country.

No, actually, they’re not. For one thing, you forget about the Vikings. Secondly, Sweden and Norway still have pretty high numbers of domestic violence. Thirdly, paternity leave had to be forced upon men, as they still largely believe in distinct gender roles at home.

Chalupa Batwoman: They’re in the minority, even in Scandinavia. Sweden and Norway have a notable rate of domestic violence and paternity leave had to be essentially forced upon dads. Even so, women are still burdened with childcare. It’s the same as in the US.

Gawd, I love Jezebel’s shitty site. This isn’t to you, Olive, but Jezebel’s trying to misdirect the comment.

If her friend’s dick were included in said bag of dicks, the world would be a happier place.

Sure, it does: despite their claims (like yours) of being a liberal, multicultural paradise, Californians actually support the same bigotry and sexism toward women than the rest of the world does. Hence the “shocked” comments: “But this is Stanford!” Yeah, so?

It’s been a party school for 30+ years. But because it’s Stanford, the media and pretty much everyone have overlooked it.

The French aren’t, either, and they would NOT have helped that woman.