
Yes, when asked about the numerous instances of election fraud, Former Secretary Clinton replied, “It is my perogative as the presumptive First Woman President to cheat. Everyone cheats, including my opponent, The Donald. So can’t I?! WHY. CAN’T. I? And oh yeah, fuck those hussy Millennial women who voted for Bernie

Seriously, the Joe Pesci route? I much prefer...

Did you look that up in a dictionary? “Oooh....Today I’m going to pretend to be smart and not a sexist moron pretending to be female!”

I know you’re auditioning for the sequel to Idiocracy, but California’s not here, sweetheart. You must have flunked third-grade geography. Drink some more Brawndo.

And you missed my point entirely. Jezebel is so in love with being PC and being in line with the latest political bullshit that it lacks common sense. Yes, believe it or not, I have read To Kill a Mockingbird. But according to Jezebel, any book that discusses racism, even novel for its time, is racist

I thought she was guilty, as was Casey Anthony.

I thought Jezebel decided that Harper Lee was a racist? I’m surprised that you haven’t been lambasted for being a KKK member.

Still can’t figure out why men don’t rape? I thought you were smart.

Abort, retry, fail, deflect.

Okay, let’s play your game for a moment.

No, you misunderstood what I said. I know very well how ineffectual the school psychologists are (in fact, my previous post said as much), but the parents are responsible for the healthcare of their minor. So, blaming the schools for THEIR responsibility is not only a waste of money, but it reinforces this notion that

Did someone write your last response for you?

Because if men do rape (and they will), then we can all say, “But Mommy/Daddy/Society taught da menz not to rape! He couldn’t have done it!” Does it change a fucking thing? Nope. Does it teach women that their bodies are equal to those of men’s? Nope.

Yeah, I’ve seen that, too. But if you’re trained (and most school psychs aren’t), ADD or AS are different than psychopathy. This guy has psychopathy, not a LD.

And you call me sexist? Frankly, you’ve never even practiced martial arts (I can tell). If you did, you’d know that it is in fact possible and even LIKELY for a woman to win in a fight. You’re the sexist.

And you haven’t said much of anything of value, only that you should be nominated for the Mother of the Year.

Wow, getting out the swears because I’m using words above a fifth-grade reading level? Sweety, you’re like Tom Brady during a timeout.

Hmm, and somehow, the parents couldn’t have him committed or call the police? Nah, it’s always someone else’s fault.

No, it isn’t. Once again, it puts all of the focus on MEN rather than giving women equal focus. “Well, if we teach men not to rape, then there will be rainbows!” Uh, sure, and what about discrimination, the essential view that women are lesser? But hey, if we teach men, whose minds are obviously tabulae rasae, not to

Based on your run-on sentence, I sincerely doubt it.