
My neighbors are vehement protestors. Did they help during my high risk pregnancy? Nope. Take my poor kids to the park to run when I couldn't? Cook a meal?? BIG NO. Did my pro choice neighbor come take out my garbage and rough house with my boys and do my dishes? YES.

I know this raises huuuuge ethical considerations, and would be an interesting debate if it hadn’t happened horrifically in the real world, but WHY would they resuscitate the foetus?

I went to Comic-Con, and waited in line to take a picture with her, and she had this pup with her then too! She was just so kind and sweet, she held my hand! and when she thought the photo didn’t turn out well, she asked the picture people to take a second one, and she was right, the first photo I had my eyes closed.

These victims have names and faces now. You can't just dismiss them as a number anymore Carly. Look at them, their blood is on your hands because of your lies.

Just got off the phone with a close friend of mine who’s in Paris for her birthday; she was at a cafe close to one of the attacks. She and her friend were freaking out and a cab driver pulled over and took them back to their hotel for free, while his wife was on the phone pretty much begging him to just come home. She

The day Reddit “identified” the Boston Marathon bomber is one of the low points of internet history.

Well, good for Target. It really isn’t difficult to include a variety of people of different sizes, shades, and abilities. That mostly doesn’t happen, though, so good for Target.

Thank you for this. I’m the escort who was quoted in this article, and frankly, what I wrote doesn’t even begin to cover how unsafe he made the sidewalk feel that day. Women coming into the clinic felt less safe, escorts felt less safe—it wasn’t a good day.

It’s not “pro-life.” It’s “Forced Birth.” Keep repeating at every opportunity.

Thanks! I was inspired to volunteer after being yelled at while on my way in for a fucking pap smear. Like, a pelvic exam isn’t fun to begin with and now I’ve got old dudes shouting at me? Fuck you. Anyway, the escorts who walked me in were cool so I started volunteering there. The clinic was part of a larger business

From the Post: “He described himself as the result of a “crisis pregnancy,” born while his parents were in their junior year of college.” “I always grew up with the understanding that some people have kids in less than fully intended situations and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“It’s outrageous that this extremist is being treated like a legitimate advocate by the Washington Post, and it’s especially appalling that the Post felt no need to balance his demonization of medical providers. Doctors who provide abortion services are compassionate, highly skilled, and committed to women’s health

Yes, it very much fucking is off base to say that, unless by “known better” you mean he should have been sitting at the front door with a shotgun waiting to greet this dickbag properly. It is not in any way required or expected for Derek Fisher or Gloria Govan to make relationship decisions based on fear of what Matt

The Air Force is infamous for its shitty, prejudiced evangelical Christian subculture.

I love her response that her mother taught her better than that... her mother, Ann Richards, governor of Texas.

You actually do neither of those things. Just call home and tell the parent she can’t wear the shirt again. Sending her home causes her to miss class time (and is essentially a suspension) and giving her a loaner can be humiliating, when the child actually did nothing wrong. This is an adult issue.

We didn’t always say nice things, and sometimes we were downright mean. Sometimes I just vented about frustrating experiences in an immature, hateful, and foolish way. It was in particular a breach of trust to post intimate details about lovers. I was naive enough to think it’d stay anonymous, and I was wrong.

Literally all of it was edited, you credulous ass.

Just wanted to chime in and say that I like abortion! Plenty of people like abortion! It is a value-neutral medical procedure that saves lives, improves economic and educational outcomes for women, and is one of the greatest tools to combat systemic and generational poverty.

If you haven’t read the NAF’s lawsuit, you should. It details all the horrible lying (which, by the way, is a direct violation of the 10 Commandments so not exactly Christian) that the CMP did to get their footage, you should. NAF is even suing them for racketeering violations under RICO because they used multiple