
Well they kinda did, its just behind the emblem. It’s easier to keep clean and protected there. Yes the cover is more exposed but it’s a lot easier to clean than if you had it behind the grill and filling with debris. The first few appearances of the radar panels were on the lower portion of the bumper but those are

Seeing as this is where Honda usually puts the radar unit, I am assuming this is where it is on an Acura. Unfortunately there isn’t many other options for a flat-ish panels on bumper regulations these days.

Yea and I like how a lot of people gave Honda crap for “winning” in a class that they created for the new Ridgeline. At least they finished the race.

This is truth though and its not just about the recalls which affects multiple vehicles for usually an engineering/supplier issue. I can’t really say I blame a particular plant for those. However on an individual vehicle basis when the first truck loads of these showed up at my dealer there was an incredible amount of

Honda has these on all the 2015 models stateside on the left. Most of the models have the lanewatch camera on the right side in addition to the normal flat mirror.