In the context of detention centers LGBT people face the worst treatment. The standard practice (Here in the United States) will be to put LGBT people in solitary confinement. This is to protect them from being raped/raping people. The average person who is put in solitary confinement is 28 days (that's a punishment,…
I think this is why narratives like Kat's are so important. Empathizing with this, can help answer your own questions. But because we are young, and these are the medium's we use (internet), trans people who talk openly about their experience might fall more into the pattern of "Realizing when I was 7, I was…
It is so hard in stigmatized communities to FEEL like a community when one's own interpretation of their experience differs from someone else within the same community. I see this when a lesbian has sex with a man, and suddenly everyone tells her she cannot call herself a lesbian. I experience this when I self…
Not five seconds after coming out to my mother she said "your father and I still expect you to settle down with a Jew." End conversation.
Well clearly it should have been Hermione and Draco
He's just being miley
*Pejorative. not prerogative.
ooof. Tough one. Well, do we get to claim and reframe based off of oppression experienced as a community or as an individual has? My friend who is a trans woman does, and in fact we got the word hurled at both of us last halloween from a moving vehicle and then we started laughing about it. If I hear her use it in a…
"Drag queens are often called the slur, too, you know!"
I think a lot of people are going to attribute her struggles as some kind of inherent reality in orbiting the porn industry. When really it's much more banal, and tragic outcome of what happens to those who don't recieve counseling or support with that respect.
Just a thought.
"Chicks on the right feminism" is just hyper-individualism, that discounts the concept of victim. Basically all deficiencies and systematic neglect that one experiences within society comes entirely down to personal accountability. This form of right-wing feminism actually makes sense, to those who have never been low…
I would like to make a point of this video though. I have many friends in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. I have never heard any of them talk so passionately and candidly about gender inequality, the confines of image conscious nations, or anything about the patriarchy until this video started being…
My point of the last statement, was that because women have better balance, and are more flexible. They are the ones who have the advantage in this context. Also connecting cheerleading to gladiator origins, or even when cheerleading started in the 1950's is an appeal to tradition/antiquity. That's a logical fallacy,…
I challenge you to reflect on your sentiment.
Artistry, dance, and acrobatics of any sort deserve it's share of respect. Who decided that cheerleading was a "female thing?" And keep in mind the loaded nature of your compliment. "It's just not as impressive to me when a guy does these things because they're operating…
Honestly? If the images themselves weren't linked to selling clothing, I would of viewed the entire gallery differently.
As someone who has had a sibling commit suicide, it's always a touchy subject for me. But my gut reaction to the images (When I just thought it was attempting to be artistry not commercial) found it…
oh, and your statement of rights being some "shiny bobble"?
Rights aren't a luxury, or at least they shouldn't be.
Check yourself, because your privilege lets you walk away from our issues and tell us to stop talking so loud.
Obama, is not responsible for the state by state accomplishments of the movement. So don't give him credit for that. Also the DADT policy is a decision largely made by congress and advocates in the Military like Knights Out and Lt. Dan Choi.
I can join the military.
I still cannot marry.
I still can be fired for my…