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I was hoping that Ignatiy would embed the bit of the Lee screen test he described (I first saw it in a documentary from the ‘90s), but it’s easy enough to find. And yeah, that’s some scary-ass speed.

No one can play him. Name someone, anyone, with the combo of charisma, athleticism, sense of humor, and intensity that Lee had.

How do you have anyone play Lee or McQueen? They both oozed charisma and charm. You can’t recreate that.

Am I the only who hears more Bryan Adams than Springsteen/Dylan?

Yeah, I’m fine with him having a creepy crush on her, but Brienne has showed zero interest in him.

All of the obsessed questions about chains is absurd to me.

I’m willing to accept that a giant army of the dead has tools. I don’t need to see every single tool get an origin story. People obsessing over the chains have become to pedantic for their own good.

Let’s be fair: they are both terrible actors. It’s like GOT had used all of the good ones on the lesser parts, ran out and had to make do with second tier for these two. Their private scenes together are terribly flat as there are no excellent actors around to save things.

Tell the story. He was fired from Cheers for making a joke on the radio that the hardest part about the job was kissing Rhea Pearlman. She heard it, and made sure he was fired, so his character was killed off screen.

Yep, that’s War On Drugs alright.

This band sucks. They sound like post-Genesis Phil Collins, but lamer.

nah they can get tf outta here with that tom petty cover band shit

Do firsts even matter anymore? What’s happening?

Did the article mention that a show called <I>Game of <b>Thrones</b></i> would obviously have a heavy focus on chairs?