
The Hulkster now owns all your asses. NoBama OUT in 8 months and Trump IN. Your heatlhcare going away. Your welfare and EBT cards going away. It’s all coming together baby! Get it while the getting is good son.

Good riddance.

The Hulkster now owns all your asses. NoBama OUT in 8 months and Trump IN. Your heatlhcare going away. Your welfare and EBT cards going away. It’s all coming together baby! Get it while the getting is good people. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! Go TRUMP!

Jesus Christ you’re as intellectually bankrupt as this site is financially bankrupt as of 10 minutes ago. Go find some other site to spew your bullshtein on.

I’m hoping he talks about Moochelle and how she strapped dildos on and went to town on his ass in the Oval Office.

This is some grade A troll shit right here!

Go take your meds, seriously.

A lot of good being “cool as fuck” has done for this country.

This site is full of EBT, welfare collecting scumbags who are in for a big surprise in 8 months. Enjoy this POS for the remainder of his term becuase the clock is ticking. Make America great again, GO TRUMP!!!