
Holly Hunter spoke in voiceover but not on screen so it's the worst example from that perspective. On the flip side, we both agree Sorkin's part is partially voiced in post-production. I'd still say his part in the production, his part of the character, is eligible for nomination (though not worthy). My personal

Regarding the voices, there have been 3 academy *awards* for people who didn't say anything in a movie, last one being Best Actress Holly Hunter in The Piano (1993). Regarding the character, an individual earns an Academy Award award, but they have been directed, make-up'd, and supported by a variety of other people

He plays a radish better than I play any musical instrument. Time to get out the old recorder and learn to play something, anything.

Your savvy enough to understand current valuation. Stocks trade on future earnings and are pummeled when they don't live up to earnings reports. I agree that the valuation is overdone, but the real answer to your question is that people with too much money/too few brains are drawing extrapolations on the growth

I hope that I expressed myself clearly. I do not think that infinity is a number, but my math books and teaches have indeed treated it as such with add/subtract/multiply/divide. Not that wiki is the ultimate source of mathematics, but it said so as well ( [] ). I totally agree that it is not a

I have always been under the assumption/knowledge/belief that points on a line do not have or occupy space. Equating (pun intended) points on a line i.e. the thread with the space around it is not, in my puny human mind, analogous to real numbers vs rational numbers.

Anyone notice that the video says 440ppm of CO2 ( [] ). CO2 now has it at 391 ( ). Then they up it to 720ppm indoors. My gut says that's just plain wierd. Also, did you see the VOC , volatile organic compounds? It's listed at 0 indoors, but they didn't put any number for

Robert (post author) answered it as far as I'm concerned, though maybe accidentally just to avoid a blank space. It's the question mark. Neutral, yet definitive.

+1 internets for you! Almost spit out my tea on that one.

Africa as a continent was going sideways or backwards through most of the 20th century. Now, 2 out of 3 hold elections. War is down. The continent as a whole is slowly getting out of the developmental quick sand. As far as population goes, Africa is unique. Civil war, dictators, TB, malaria, and HIV shaped

link busted. no colon after http

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now playing

While not Sci-Fi, definitely beefcake and funny too.

ditto. And I didn't even feel one bit gay thinking that guy is hot.

7th paragraph

In the military, work and social were clear cut. Work time was work time, social time was social time. When there was work, everyone that could help was on it. When there was no work, we could relax with the best of them. Food breaks and cigarette breaks (a big deal) were clearly demarcated.

Whatever happened to the "good ole days" when said simply, "Don't you have some work to do?" and if they didn't get the hint "I do, now go away."

We talk about the idea as if everyone could sign up instantly. It wouldn't. I can hear the power plays from the affluent, the screams from the disenfranchised advocates, the book and movie writing themselves.