
Confused about the 4th part "Arguing against the HPV Vaccine". The first link is to an article that advocates boys also take it and the second position is also support. Was there any evidence found arguing against the vaccine?

This whole video series was quite informative and entertaining about the difference between TV and movie. It might seem dated now, but it's well done.


If the above fails, you can always try this guy.

Annalee, you've had many articles about genetics. Any opinion on this one technology?

I love Blair Underwood's delivery of that entire conversation. They needed someone to sell the audience without being too campy or over the top and I think he nailed it.

People, not too surprisingly, make very different decisions for their children and babies than they do for themselves. I'm with you, this is a giant CF in the making.

All time classic, well, for children of the 70s and late 60s, and people who like Sean Connery and midgets and OK! fine. I love that movie no matter what anyone says, top 5 all time.

ToddZ says...

This reeks of the Secret Service and early hacker days. My bet is that she doesn't ever get booked, NASA keeps whatever it was and she has been humiliated. What is her recourse? To sue NASA. Straight up bullying.

Forget kittens, that is such a cute little rat snuggled up with his tail for a nap. Awwww...

Here's a truly awful solution. Become a 2am Just Dance 3 fanatic. When you see your neighbor, comment that you would stop if he would just stop smoking. This aggressive behavior is not advised unless you willing to take it all the way to the end.

The older I get, the more this song resonates.

The 6th picture is about where your eye looks when perform a brain function or so I am hoping I am remembering right. I read the article and scanned it a couple of times. I don't see any reference to the eye chart. Did I miss something?

Meg from Disney's Hercules, redhead after Aurora and before Belle, reminds me of Kate Walsh from Private Practice.

I remember watching a show long ago that the fish eaters had a different communication scheme than the mammal eating killer whales too.

but, but, but, noooooooooo. /goes off to cry.

On the left about 2/3 there is a parcel viewer. It's a GUI and one way to do, there's also a search public records option that you can use.


That looks like he got a fresh cut. Where's his boomerang-o-cut? lol