Strong Bad ( [] ) pic FTW +1 internets
Strong Bad ( [] ) pic FTW +1 internets
vote: windirstat
Thanks for typing that so I didn't have to. My personal spin on Mr. Seiffer's post.
I'm not against the move from puppet to CG. I just think the new Yoda looks like a crazy drunk bum with mange, closer to a chubacabra than a master jedi.
The real source of the quake was the renewal of The Event.
"The single-celled parasite Toxoplasma gondii lives infects rats"
You don't have to answer correctly to the question per se. You just have to be able to repeat the answer.
Let's just say for a moment that 93% of communication is not verbal content (which is shite - google mehrabian myth). That does not mean that a) the sender has intent or b) that the receiver can understand what the sender is saying non-verbally.
I'm interested in purchasing a XOOM. One of the factors in my decision is crossover with my wife and e-book reading. Do tablet screens like iPad and XOOM even compare to the e-ink competition?
I'm sure that dating has a high degree of accuracy and precision. I'm just curious what's the + or - on 4.7 Billion years? 100M, 200M, 300M. I'm sure these guys are right about yeast per their experiment, more of a curiosity. Anyone know what the margin of error on 4.7 B is?
"Nor is the expectant father forgotten, here he can get the news officially and suffer under the most comfortable circumstances possible" he puts his cigarette in the hospital waiting room.
Maybe the massive quantities of drugs?
Photographers take pictures, gear doesn't. Shoot a lot of pictures. Can you actually tell the difference. I don't mean, yes, this picture looks better, but actually take two pictures and compare and say "this picture is better than that because of this part right year that is X". More often than not, it can be…
A fifth = 1/5 (or .20) of a gallon. 4 quarts to a gallon (or .25). 4/5 of .25 = .20. So yes, a fifth is 4/5 a quart.
Google Music question - Anyone know of an extension or script that will allow me to send music directly to my account. There are many things like that for google docs, but have not been able to find one for google music. Anything?
All your answers can found here [ [] ], but you're not going to like what you find.
Most programs have a general computer policy, have you asked the admissions counselor. Digging a little deeper, have you developed a relationship with the staff of the MBA. They will likely guide you through the entire program. Forget what the "kids" are doing.
Son: Make organization cool, not I'm an adult trying to make it cool, but son cool. Work with him to have 1 subject folder to each class. Small, something he can dump papers in. His problem is not organization per se, it's stopping, attending, focusing, and caring. Shoot for the right papers in one area, and…
Does this mean we can "Drink and Ride"?