
eBooks are great, but many applications have use proprietary formats that so they're only readable in their apps or on their devices

I can't believe "Watch Star Wars" was not on the list.

Esther +1 internets for you! =)

I swear the road is 101 out of Ventura toward Santa Barbara and back the other way in a couple of the clips plus I think the tunnel is Malibu. Of course, I could be wildly off.

I remember a story, maybe somebody can help me.

Yea, fat and grease are integral to American diets. Kangaroo not only has a different taste, but it also lean. Not only will it not sit well with the tastebuds, but it will get burned constantly. We Cowaroos!

Hmm... I wonder if I can get the missus to sign off on this one.

The add-on provides a link you can send to anyone who has a file to upload, and will email you when they're uploaded their file.

Pasadena, Lake avenue, been there at least 20 years, if not more. Oh wait, that's a Winchell's.

Consider getting an extension cable for your wired headset. Then secure it so that it can never detach. This way you can stand up and walk around the room while on the call. It allows you to stretch, get paperwork (?!) not near your computer, and improves your voice projection.

lol, my dad worked from home for a long time making good money with a terrier in the background. He had a squirt bottle on hand at all times because the dog would bark for the delivery guy.

Did that trailer just compare a summer blockbuster from Transformers to a ballet?

I was sold on "Nothing, I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." Every cheesy summer blockbuster requires a cheesy line to repeat over and over, and at age 39, I will be repeating that line this summer.

Praying Mantis.

Unfortunately, dog breath is usually a function of bacteria in the mouth. Good dog dental hygiene can be achieved in a variety of ways depending on your commitment. Plaque, tooth calculus, gingivitis all can contribute to bacterial halitosis.

Weigh your cat, then weight it again and again. Clear the litter. Count the urinations and poops. Make a little chart. Leave a message for your vet. Most vets will say you have to come in, but if you talk a good vet tech or your vet should be able to tell you if it's worth getting tests done.

Chucklebuck, you have already made the decision. You just haven't come to terms with it.

Are they acting otherwise spacey? pee a lot? sometimes howl at the wall?

At yet, 40 years later, I'm pretty sure things have only gotten slightly better.

I would think a double bacon cheeseburger from Carls where the bacon is poor quality and half-cooked would be enough to cringe. Much worse than Arby's.