I find this ironic. China is polluted beyond recognition and we're going to ship our waste fly ash to them so then can use it in concrete...
love it, I will leave every computer I know in this state for 1 April. Thanks. Of course, that includes my wife who may not be so happy about it. =)
I'm always slackjawed at some of the municiplal laws, HOA and CC&Rs that REQUIRE lawns or x % landscaping. Their concern is about property values going down, but they never seem to leave room for a xeriscape or artificial (which can be nice with the more expensive stuff) possibilities. NIMBY gone too far. Even…
To reduce blur in shots with a long shutter speed, there are many cheap techniques:
I was so excited about the preview that I skipped over the NSFW part. My kids got exposed to new language. Oops! If my 2 year old starts repeating some of that, I'll know who to blame - myself. =(
I don't know why but I thought this was an io9 original where they had actually done it.
Big of fan of pull. In the information society, I prefer to dictate when I receive inputs. Push notifications are the same as a phone that rings, it literally is calling for your attention - often. No thank you.
As if this was fascism...If you have a ratio of 1 adult to 50 kids and you are the type of person who would actually shop for this stuff or work there, then this is marketing 101 and apropos. It may seem anathema to our free thinking point-of-view, but if the goal of the orphanage is get them out the door alive and…
You say that with such simplicity. It exists in real life instead of just a catalog?
I was searching for this feature a couple years ago. Amazingly, some of the base model LGs had it deep in the menu, but Android did not. Apple was only MMS and only their format at that. I've received SMS and MMS of a contact send and I've found it... OK. The vCard format(?) seemed more universal in send and…
Get it?! Mexico - WhaleSHARK, Jaws.... OK, in case you didn't get it...
I wonder if this is similar to exploding water in a microwave. No surface tension/particulate/medium for transaction = no bubbles.
Melanie, thank you. Several other solutions have been offered for a similar question, but none where truly automatic. I've passed on the others and will give this one a shot (pun intended).
In the myriad of games that I play, "vent" hasn't been used in years. TeamSpeak is by far the de facto standard.
We're all familiar with the Richter scale even if it is not the most precise tool. But we need a new tool for the tsunami. I heard 52cm for Japan. These videos show major force and destruction. It would be nice to get a better indication of the volume of water or scale that 52cm could do. =\