
The real truth will likely not be known. The most likely and probably cause was selection (occam's razor). So, comments like "Yes, in the last thirty years, the tomcod have mutated..." would be incorrect. And, it actually not a matter of semantics. The animals do not mutate in response to the external force like

Now playing

"Herzing says her study has implications for communicating with extraterrestrials."....

"learned out languages"

I read Lab 257 which is written by a local about the Plum Island. ( [] )

In all seriousness, you must have worked with him. I think you did a pretty good job summing him up.

Personally, I have a problem suspending disbelief as soon as the show goes from sci-fi to drama. I know that Hollywood likes its stars, but servicing the same set of actors because they have fat contracts and good ratings doesn't always make for good TV. Kill some people off ffs! I don't mean papa Petrelli either;

Hotdog on a stick.

Guillotines were rolled out and used often in one long streak resulting in dull blades that sometimes need 2 or 3 whacks, or so I was told in high school. The Hollywood idea of a professional axeman and the one-shot vs. all day dulling of the guillotine. I'm not sure which I go with more, but I wonder if the time

vote: TweetDeck

*this* is why I love reading all the comments. The things that show up here are just awesome. Thank you.

@pforrest: maybe Sean could be the spoil that causes the main characters to change, that would be refreshing

@hj85d3g: I'm with you. I've tried a couple of things, but the only thing that is always with me, is me. I carry my phone with me always, but pen and paper is faster to use, read, and access.

@okolnost: to skip the training part?

@AngryFork: While I agree with everything you said, Annalee's point is "about maintaining it." We have seen many cool creations here on io9 that have been abandoned either halfway or after completion that play to our sci-fi alternate possibilities. I think that's why we come here in general.

I installed this for one reason only, so I can change my nav bar to include News. I was initially tempted to change it to "NEWS" @ "", but I knew deep down that google wouldn't be listening even if I was yelling.

If I do this will I turn into a large insect? or will I write prose that puts the "ob" in obtuse?

@GitEmSteveDave: A+ for the video. I love the timing on the guy's voiceover "this is the first fully automated airplane piloted by a computer" - bye bye plane.

When I first saw the picture I thought it was a telephoto shot of some prairie herd. Boy, was I surprised when I saw that it was butterflies. Then, it all made sense when I read the rest of the article.