People seem to be looking at this list as if this one is 'better' than that one. His formula is regarding 18-45 viewership on major networks for scripted shows. The major networks need major money to be profitable.
People seem to be looking at this list as if this one is 'better' than that one. His formula is regarding 18-45 viewership on major networks for scripted shows. The major networks need major money to be profitable.
@EyeHeartPie: @EyeHeartPie: Much of 'advanced' animals genome is full of base pairs that are junk/filler/unknown/long strands of repeats/leftovers from viruses. I wouldn't go so far as to say that cell based animals have advantages or disadvantages, it's more like genetic history.
@Firesphere: I was hoping it was a play EVE on your iPhone article =)
In geology, there are two camps. The "creeps" and the "jerks". The creeps say that important things happen over looooooong periods of time. The jerks say that the important things happen quickly usu. violently.
Hey, it's prototype, but it still needs improvement.
It's often called a BATNA. Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. The thing about a BATNA is you must be willing to do it.
@battra92: this article is addressing you in principle (no pun intended). In other words, how much does it cost to carry debt. For some this is acceptable to have other things, like liquidity. The advantage of liquidity is the ability to take advantage of opportunities (e.g. buying a house) and resist shocks (e.g.…