Re-read the post. Now do it again, because you obviously didn't get the point. The truck, despite the fact that it smashed into a giant truck filled with garbage, maintained enough velocity to continue on for half a mile.
Re-read the post. Now do it again, because you obviously didn't get the point. The truck, despite the fact that it smashed into a giant truck filled with garbage, maintained enough velocity to continue on for half a mile.
Terrible place to hide from zombies. They do not need air and thus are able to crawl through the water.
The reason they didn't go with iSteve is because that's what his bibliography is going to be called.
There are plenty of ways to pull all of your photos from Facebook onto your computer.
If a hot girl needs a light she's no longer hot.
Ever heard of second skin? Just bring that with you.
I can say I didn't pay for it, but even if I had I would have downloaded it if only to get the ratio contributions from it.
I love how, in the winners "view more pictures here" he says "Striking matches all weekend for the Engadget 1/1000 challenge." []
Jobs takes a buck a year, no bonuses. He gets all of his money from Disney.
Because it's included with the Flyer.
If by pocket you mean rectal pocket.
If a 15 year old girl takes a nude picture of herself and sends it to a boy in her class and the authorities find out that girl could be prosecuted for distribution of child pornography.
Were you trying to figure out how many times you could say iPad 2 in this article without it sounding awkward? Because it didn't work.
@resonance462: You can always just include "Wii, 2, Wii2" in the tags.
I'm liking the lack of the HTC Inspire/HTC Desire HD.
The terrible part is that people are clamoring over eachother now to adopt this dog - they've received so many applications to take the thing home now because he's a "miracle dog." Where the hell were these people when it was just another dog? Maybe we should have the SPCA announce when they're going to do a mass…
They've already done this - just play a game of Monopoly on your computer and it still holds some enjoyment.
The purple leaves something to be Desired. I assume the edges of the trackpad line up with the edges of the left/right buttons.
Here's a thought. Buy it out of contract. Don't sign up for a plan. Use with WiFi.