Bant: Electric Burger

If there was no data plan Verizon would get a lot of sign-ups for this.

Not in the slightest, they just avoided the damned thing, they didn't change anything.

Everyone says they hate Facebook, yet they continue to go back to it like a suckling baby to a teat. Next time I hear one of you guys whine about Privacy I'm gonna slice your face.

@MacWindu: I do. I get messages on Facebook regularly and they go right to my phone. Sure, I could just check the site, but for at-a-glance reasons I don't have time to refresh a page on Facebook while at work, but I do have time to see if I have an SMS and who it's from.

@Witness1: Employees or employers?

@resu427: Employers don't look at anything past the @. Don't really care what comes after. If it says SEXYBOI69 I'm not going to call back, but doesn't phase me in the slightest.

@Pablo Garcia: To make > type "& gt ;" minus the spaces.

@das7002: Almost all phones are a available for a penny, not just WP7.

This card would be acceptable for RAW images, which is why I think it's called RAW Steel.

@Bassem B.: What are you talking about? They just got their test units in house and are going to approve them and (hopefully) start accepting orders by Christmas.

I love how it's a Canadian company and it hits the US first.

Funny thing is, I bet the Egyptians or Mayans could have pulled this off in less time with just simple machines.


@Edgar Khachatryan: The only way I could see it killing them would be if the mentioned video cards ate yours for breakfast and choked.