Bant: Electric Burger

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: There are plenty of netbooks on the market that have a C2D. The new MBA uses a Low Voltage cpu, sacrificing speed&performance for battery life.

@donrhummy: Netbook processor...check.

Transparent GBA? Check.

@citaro: No, I got it afterwards. Very funny, and it is quite hilarious that, with the MBA, you aren't able to install everything to it without a computer than has an optical drive (without purchasing an external drive yourself.)

Okay, need some clarification.

@citaro: Like before, if you need to install programs you'll either have to use the app store or "borrow" a computers Optical drive.

Fullscreen is definitely an innovation.

@aak7268: Only if you want to see me get a little testy.

Those aren't board shorts, they're booty shorts.

@D.A.S.: You haven't made any money off of it unless you sell it.

@Hvedhrungr: I'd go to jail for doing everything I could to save someone's life.

@Bugarim: At least the person would be alive.

@senterstyle: Does Apple stock pay dividends? I don't think they do.

@Hvedhrungr: Send an ambulance AND tell them there's a fire. I know Fire Rescue is usually there first anyway, but if there's a fire they'll send EVERYONE. and QUICK.

@RainyDayInterns: Yes, they need to advertise. Especially with a brand new product.

@MarcusMaximus: No. You can fill it up in your first month, for $14.99, and keep it filled, ALL THE TIME.

@WyldeChef: Not before telling them that it's not available anywhere else, and that you just happened to find it in a bar last night.