Yes, but as I posted elsewhere, it is possible for one breed or strain of animals to be "naturally" more aggressive than others.
Yes, but as I posted elsewhere, it is possible for one breed or strain of animals to be "naturally" more aggressive than others.
Is this really true though? I breed and maintain several strains of laboratory mice as part of my job. They all have identical environments, yet some strains are more aggressive than others. All things being equal, it is of course possible that pitbulls are more aggressive than other large breeds of dog. If this is…
But out of honest curiosity (since I've never owned a dog), if these dogs have such an aggressive temperament, why continue to breed them? I mean, if these animals are way too dangerous to be let out around children, maybe they just don't make good pets? Losing an eye is a pretty big fucking deal.
Useful paper, thanks for sharing!
Are human fetuses really that much different than a cow? If anything, I think a cow is probably more intelligent and maybe should be given more moral consideration, if anything. Your opinions on who does and who does not deserve moral consideration seem kind of arbitrary. And killing humans against their will is not…
Well, it's your opinion that euthanasia is wrong. Not everyone agrees, and in many countries adults have the legal right to end their own lives.
It's about the people who now have to care for the baby without the mother's help. The mother is dead in this scenario, and presumably has not made her wishes clear with a will.
As I said, some people think there should be that option. Either way, the baby is absolutely not already born. It is still gestating in the dead wife or partner of the now single father. So that's a totally irrelevant point. The length of the remaining term should absolutely not be factored in - the father should have…
What? The point is that maybe the baby's father now decides that he DOESN'T want to be a single father, or has concerns about having a child with serious health problems given that it has been incubated in what is essentially a corpse. You seriously see a problem with a person not wanting to become a single father to…
What in the fuck are you talking about?
I feel like you didn't read the article.
This shit needs to stop. Who will pay for and take care of the baby after it's born? What if the husband/partner doesn't want to be a single father? That's horrifying.
Fucking CLASSY lady. Damn.
Yeahhh, I'm doing a PhD now.
Yeah, I was wondering about this earlier. Tip pooling sounds kinda crummy.
Wow, that is actually pretty lucrative. As a grad student 75k/year makes me think of this:
I see, that sounds fair.
At the same time, there's a big difference between making a few oopsies with the terminology and OPENLY SPECULATING ABOUT A CHILD'S GENITALS. Also, suggesting that being trans is a "trend" and implying that an unstable home life causes a person to become transgender is pretty vomit-inducing.
I feel like a creeper saying this since he's only 14, but he's a pretty cute boy.
$50/hr is spectacular, but that sounds like a shit schedule/working conditions. The creepy dudes part especially does not appeal.