i work in the thoroughbred racing industry and Sheik Mo comes to kentucky twice a year and drops millions of dollars on race horses. some of them yearlings who have never stepped foot on a track. its play money. hes rich af.
i work in the thoroughbred racing industry and Sheik Mo comes to kentucky twice a year and drops millions of dollars on race horses. some of them yearlings who have never stepped foot on a track. its play money. hes rich af.
they both write in imadick pentameter
ketchup does not belong on a hot diggity dog. only mustard.
loved the season premier. so cute. this show is a love story. a love story between two best friends :’)
you know it didnt used to be this fucked before Obamacare.
i always feel sorry for hilaria. alec only refers to her as “my wife” and never by her name. its so possessive. if hes like this in public imagine how he is behind closed doors.
breaking news from 2009. complete fucking thug arrested for being a complete fucking thug.
great article lauren!
it reads fine as is.
Watched the Hulu doc. Billy is nothing but a con and a pathological liar. He had a a very brief run with success only because he was completely delusional. I honestly think every single thing he was saying was a flat out lie. What a loser.
no pass. Malcolm X said that liberals who are “friends” of black people are actually their biggest enemies. They smile and say they arent racist but yet do NOTHING for the black community. He said this before social media as well. You cant tweet out black lives matter without ever giving a literal helping hand to the…
Sansa is going to turn. There is clearly something wrong.
If Trump can say grab her by the p*ssy then she can say whatever the fuck she wants.
isnt everything criticized for being racist these days? give it a rest.
reading the comments...its because she’s a feminist yall. she uses her voice which goes hand in hand with women making the first move.
hot girls always say they’re “going to be single awhile.” this means 2 months. they dont have to be single so why should they? but its always funny to me when they proclaim their long “singlehood” pssstttt
it takes courage to attend a high school reunion. props to you.
my grandmother always made me tea since i was 6 years old. drinking tea is a very elegant way to pass the time.
its like her face doesnt move. any of it. where botox would explain her forehead and maybe crows feet im not entirely sure how to explain the rest. any takers?
the only cure for a hangover is a benzo