
I especially dislike it when it's flaunted. I just found out I have to survive with a measly 4 bucks until the 23rd, can't even pay the busfare to school tomorrow, yet I hear Notch forked over 70 mil for a house almost 80x the size of my measly appartment. He earned it fair and square, and of course I'm jealous, but

Notch was already struggling to handle the success of Minecraft when it started raking the cash in, so this doesn't really surprise me. I have a sinking feeling that all this money will ruin him. Selling the company to Microsoft isn't ultimately going to be good for his well-being, but it might just have saved the

I'm all for enjoying what you earned. But something I get sickened by the excess of the rich. Just... ugh fuck em.

This is the disappointments list. The disgraceful embarrassment thread will come later.

Because Tomb Raider's awesome and Street Fighter's weeaboo bullshit?

graphics don't make the slightest bit of difference

Honestly I think it's down to it being THE game that got a lot of people in and they want it to be THE story. I was an FF fan since II but VII was the only that got me obsessed. After XII I just stopped caring. I'm still okay with the old stuff. At my funeral I want the music from Cosmo Canyon.

Two of them are Egyptian, and we all know that Egyptians are actually white, right, Hollywood?

4 Playable characters and none of them is a white guy???

Square is just idiotic. Their japanese business has taken major plot losses. How long has FFXV been in development since it was announced as FXIV VS? They missed a whole 7 year console cycle without KH3. A whole cycle. And the two games everyone wants, a FF VII HD Remake (not a rerelease) and some version of an

Well, at least you can tell that Sony invited actual, passionate gamers into their audience. No cheering monkeys that applaude every crap they put on the screen, on the pics you can see legit hype and happiness in their faces, afterwards it turns to despair and sadness. Those were honest reactions that the guys left

Meanwhile, someone else from Squeenix knows the perfect answer:

Where is that gif from?

I'm utterly convinced by this point that whoever is in charge of Square-Enix doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Somehow this is a better announcement.

I would probably buy that DLC though...

Yeeep, I'd buy FF7 remake. Has been ages since I played trough it.

"Your honor, yes the colored was unarmed, but he said he was going to go get his gun and shoot me and rape some white women so that's when I fired. Swear to God."

At least the Rams are still alive and able to speak for themselves.