
Yeah I thought the same. The drawings shown here are quite beautiful, but I don't think spongebob was ever meant to be or represent the kind of teenager boy that makes girls drool over. I always figured he was meant to represent a freckle-faced, pimply nerd kid with glasses and a particularly idiotic sense of humor.

I'm liberal and I invite whoever wants to poke fun at liberals to do so. And these particular comics don't offend me at all, I just find them unfunny and not all that creative. How about taking actual traits of these characters and turning them around? Like I said in another post, "clean energy" Iron Man with solar

I don't see what Marvel did as political correctness. In fact, I see what they're doing with Cap and Thor as creative. Captain America has always been—to a degree—the United States, personified, so why not try it with a different character behind the mask? And even better with someone of an entirely different skin

If that's what they're going for, then this is a piss-poor job. If they wanted to take potshots at Marvel's shaking up of the universe, then may I suggest making Black Widow an Asian man, Nick Fury a woman, and...make Logan a diplomat.

Are they trying to make fun of liberals? Or...what, exactly? Most of these I just find insulting...except for the Hulk one.

It really reminds me of the online ads you might notice from time to time for crappy mobile dating sims.

Why spotlight terrible artwork?

How to draw generic characters 101.

Yes, but it's not that easy for a black guy in Florida to stand his ground.

Who has sex for more than 10 minutes?

10 minutes is more than many men could ever manage.

10 mins with *guys you could only dream of.... ( You're missing the point quit being superficial).

He's 45 lbs heavier than I am, and I'm 50 lbs away from how much I "should" weigh, but he's a lot more solid, athletic, powerful, and confident than I could ever be.

When you consider his muscle-to-fat ratio along with his athletic performance, yes, he's clearly above the average American.

10 mins with girls you could only dream of...

He can probly squat 500 plus lbs.... Is that the average American?

You're overlooking that "fitness" is more than just "how overweight are you?" He might carry more weight than the "average" American, but you can be damn sure he squats and benches considerably more than them, too.

Yeah, even supposed professional journalists

So long as that waist is 42 or under, I'd tap that shit.

Sure, those same people would have their heart explode as the rounded 2nd base on a hit. Dudes overweight, sure, but he is also in much better physical shape than the average person. And that, to me, is fitness. It's that old "Skinny Fat" thing.