
1. she hates poor people.

I agree on Cinema Sins. It's clearly apparent that half of those 'sins' are there to pad out an already too long length of video time.

"become the new black" implies that this doesn't still happen with alarming frequency to black characters. So, on that grounds, no.

No I'd watch it for that alone really.

Yes, that's exactly what it is, you nailed me. Congrats! It wouldn't be because the animation looks like cheap ass and that some areas are obviously rushed.

Not at all, past the first thirty seconds.

Warning, this will be a rant.

Another sign that the studio is just cheaply pushing this out to meet an already-late deadline. -_-

Why CG why ... T.T

I think Dexter had a longer fall than True Blood. TB was always kind of crazy and goofy. But it's just all stupid and the only reason to watch it is to really appreciate Meredith's recaps.

Folks don't keep their homes locked and stay in at night either...

Also: Are you trying to tell me that no one in Bon Temps has a gun of their own? Seriously? The only option is to mob the police station? Seriously?

I'm a little bit concerned about next week's teaser. I know, or at least am convincing myself, that the whole Lafayette scare is just there to get us to watch, but I swear to God if he ends up at any point in what is left of this series I might just stop watching. I don't care how long I've been watching, Lafayette is

I have a feeling True Blood will end as bad as Dexter. I used to love this show, but now there is just so much about it I think is stupid, or just don't care about.

Ugh. I'm definitely just hate-watching at this point.

Wait a gosh darn minute... I've seen all this before. The war on drugs. This is exactly how the US pushed it's propaganda internationally. "You're either with us or against us".

A hundred years from now, I HOPE nationalism is flagged as a dirty word.

Oz seems to have gotten stranger and stranger over the last decade or two, which is something I didn't even think possible.

Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(

Laws are changed every year in this country by people acting to change them through protest, voting, writing their legislators, educating the populace, etc. This idea that "simple activism" doesn't cut it is simply wrong. Yes, sometimes it takes YEARS to achieve the change you want, but that's inherent in a democracy