LOL, you Apple kids are hilarious.
LOL, you Apple kids are hilarious.
...they have channels dedicated to fireplaces around the holidays. This is not new or amazing... at all.
Hell take a flight from American to Ireland with Delta... they just about force food and drinks on your every 10 minutes.
Sooo many little bottles of vodka on that trip.
Oh gee, a din doo... imagine that.
LMAO, you think your vote matters.
Yes, blame your shitty driving on Comcast.
Christ you people are pathetic.
Never heard of it.
“Cyber Security Expert” - $40,000 /yr
“Evil 31337 Hax00r” - Way the fuck more.
Makes sense. Shitty cars, shitty owners.
Yay, another Jezebel article on BabyBuzzFee.... err... “Gizmodo”.
Man you guys have really jumped the shark since Shillary lost.’s flight training you raspy aspy.
Yeah, this will go as well as the new Ghostbusters.
Good ole douche flute neck beards.