Had to Google who the hell Riot Games was.
League of Legends.
So, nothing of value will be lost if they shut down. Good to know.
Had to Google who the hell Riot Games was.
League of Legends.
So, nothing of value will be lost if they shut down. Good to know.
There’s a Twitter just for black people?
I am going to guess that this guy has a huge weight problem and record levels of Autism.
Oh look, more racism from The Root.
Kamala who?
Isn’t this that racist guy that faked getting beat up?
Oh, that terrorist chick is still talking?
Well now you just don’t make sense. Must’ve broke the NPC.
Bye bye angry little NPC! Sorry you’re still mad that your President didn’t collude with Russia!
Such an angry little NPC!
So he’s an attention whore.
Got it.
What’s a nipple hustler?
Yeah, he still mad that Trump is his President.
Weird... you didn’t call the Sri Lanka bombings and act of terrorism.
Man, you neck beards really need to get help if a movie being “spoiled” for you drives you to violence.
Still mad about No Collusion eh?
And mudlsimes should do that same.
When you say “MAGA Nuts”, you’re talking about the people attacking anyone that wears a MAGA hat, right?
Didn’t know Hillary was running again.
Which is why you will never own anything of value.