
Some fat chick shoehorning an agenda into a Marvel movie?

Must be a day that ends in the letter “y”.

Iron Man sacrifices himself to save everyone.

Now you can go away.

Such an angry little NPC!

India has an army?

LMAO, anyone that trusts these commie fuckers is an idiot.

So he’s an attention whore.

Got it.

Pretty bad when the majority of Gizmodo agrees you’re a window licking moron.

What’s a nipple hustler?


Yeah, he still mad that Trump is his President.

Weird... you didn’t call the Sri Lanka bombings and act of terrorism.

Man, you neck beards really need to get help if a movie being “spoiled” for you drives you to violence.

Yet he’s still you President and hasn’t been impeached for Collusion or Obstruction!

Still an angry wittle NPC. :(

Enjoy your life being a fatty Art Major!

Still mad about No Collusion eh?

And mudlsimes should do that same.

It was pirated weeks ago... as always you’re late.

Good ole San Franshitsco.

Then maybe we can get more content than ads.

No one of importance cares.

When you say “MAGA Nuts”, you’re talking about the people attacking anyone that wears a MAGA hat, right?