
Man that is going to smell.

Judging by your weight, I would guess “wellness” isn’t exactly a priority for you.

She is watching baseball... lord knows she was praying for death.

Well, she was right.

Oh wait.. I’m on Jazebel... carry on being toxic feminists.

So it’s a mountain of Jezebel writers?



Art Majors are fucking weird.

He was a pedophile.  Nothing more.

No worries, must of us will die because Gizmodo readers are turning America into the next Muslim home land.


The amount of pedo apologists in this thread is not shocking.

Jezebel, after all.

Found the pedo.

Question - Do you sweat when you eat?

I bet you sweat when you eat.


People of all races commit crimes, racist.

Oh look, you’re doing EXACTLY what the terrorists manifesto wanted you to do.

Way to be a fucking Muppet.

You mean like that crypt keeper looking black grandma did the same? Or when BLM or PANTIFA do the same?

Turnabout is fair play, dip shit.

No, because I don’t care.