Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!
Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!
You know that game/art/entertainment/person/planet you like? Turns out it sucks.
It’s good these things come to light, it’s, has any single dollar I’ve ever spent not gone to reward assholes? (spoilers: no.)
Unfortunately, I can see the Academy adding more violence next year to increase viewership. Dame Judi Dench and Olivia Colman in fisticuffs. Timothee Chalamet slamming Tom Holland’s head into the stage. John Williams leaping from the ring to deliver a diving clothesline to Hans Zimmer.
I’m not sure this is the panic the cops make it out to be. Considering it’s Allentown, which I might add, has been loudly justifying their police budget for the last couple of weeks, I’m even more skeptical.
“You’re the villain because you let me do this. I’m doing this because I need to be stopped,” is some straight up super-villain shit. Fuck this guy.
He might be saying he ‘wants to get caught’ so that the ‘exploit gets fixed’, but fucking up people’s games is not how to do that. Just because you say you have noble purpose doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.
As if selling Chrysler products wasn't enough of a scam already...
some of the peope in this comment section either don’t know what spoilers are or don’t know how to avoid them.
I’m sure Martin absolutely did that, but given that the backstory is functionally the same as every other Souls game - once there were gods, they screwed up and died, the world is boned now - I’d hesitate to say his work was hugely impactful. If, upon playing, you can find one story element that makes you say, “Thank…
Souls fans right now...
I find it hilarious the Emmerich is trying to claim that Marvel isn’t doing anything original anymore.
Do these kinds of movies even need/warrant a review? If the trailers made you wanna see it, you’re gonna see it. Let’s face it. At some point—tomorrow, next week, ten years from now—we’re all going to watch Moonfall.
This all makes me very anxious. My entire life I’ve judged games based on fun and the narrative and the challenges and the art and how they control and how holistically finished they feel. Little did I know I was doing it all wrong, and I should instead have focused on puddles and trees and a character’s climbing…
It’s made me incredibly happy. :)
This will likely be the best thing I read today. Thank you for sharing.
All of this to me seems to be someone who is convinced that being youth is intrinsically better than age, and that everyone who is old somehow wants to hide it and appear young.
Or anywhere near a professional office environment.
All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office. No one gives a shit about any of these things. No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.
It’s baffling how Family Guy is still able to consistently make the most blatantly stereotypical racist and sexist jokes on prime time TV in 2021. At one point they may have been able to claim they were being meta and calling out that kind of humor but that was 15+ years ago now.
Unless they’re leaving for hell, and never to come back, I don’t give a damn.