
I appreciate a good support, I really do. In quickplay anything goes... Ana is a sore spot because she is new and everyone wants to drive the shiny new car, and it seemed like people were willing to use her in competitive without any experience and screwing over teammates.

Love a good reaper...a good, sneaky reaper who is constantly collecting souls can MOW PEOPLE DOWN and they never see it coming...a reaper that acts like a tank is an absolute waste.

Triangles and south park are like...soooooo....early 2000s.

(I’m kidding, I’m not being a dick to you...sorry if it came off that way)

trolled by a spray...fitting.

Well I take offense to that. I don’t swear at you, or call you racial slurs or any of that stuff. I just get mad when people aren’t good teammates. Everyone loves the LEROOOOY JENKINS jokes, but they suck when they are on your team. I am not a toxic community member, I mic chat, but frankly, most people are rude and

The scoring is absolutely brutal too, when you lose they ram it up your ass. So bad teams can be seems like if you win 2 or 3 in a row then Overwatch matchmaking is out to get you and really sticks you with some subpar rated players...

I don’t know if it’s a subtle dig at me suggesting I’m not a team player, but I’m gonna take you at face value and agree whole heartedly...I love to run and gun but when I do it’s as Soldier 76 or Zarya, or Bastion. I just get sick of the snipers that aren’t sniping or don’t understand what “cover fire is” or the

you forgot the caps...ME MAD!

I don’t have a neck beard and I do go outside. Why don’t you get a more punny-only funny to you screen name and just tell yourself clever jokes. I’m venting about a game, and you want to fucking attack me and try and insult me. You’re a fucking bum.

I can’t star this enough! Love it!

You can form small groups or whole teams, but if you have a group of 3 on voice chat, they cannot chat with the other members of the team so you end up with 3 people acting as a unit, then 3 others on the same team closed out of the loop. I play usually with someone else, so two guys grouped with 4 randos...also, when

haven’t had my weed today.

Thanks man. If you play PS4 add name is BanjoBandito online. I’m getting a lot of the juvenile “SALTY” memes, which are dumb,so it’s nice to know other people feel my pain. I love the game, but there are nights where I get stuck on bad team after bad team and drop like 4 levels...then you get slotted at horrid

I blew through Hyper Light Drifter...I had hoped it would be a bit longer, waiting for no man’s sky...but I do like Overwatch, I hope they get new maps soon, and all this Sombra bullshit settles eventually.

I would say that to a shitty Hanzo player...because unfortunately a bad, selfish teammate will tank the whole match.

No, I don’t do that. I get mad, yes but I would never call you names or be rude...maybe pissy...but never rude. I certainly wouldn’t call you “retard” brother in law is severely retarded, wouldn’t do it. I don’t believe in the toxic online shit, it’s only a game...and yeah, I know I’m raging about little shit

I want a house cat and nobody will give it to me! *POUTS*

You are clearly a Hanzo player.

oh yeah, love being rando ult’d with no notice...I got ult’d by her as MERCY...AS MERCY. Then panic sets in, I switch to the gun, pew pew a little bit and it’s a complete waste as the people around me need healed and I’m busy trying to kill people...