I think the Ego think is a ruse....I bet Kurt Russel is Adam Warlock.
I think the Ego think is a ruse....I bet Kurt Russel is Adam Warlock.
They should just buy the rights to Pepsi man, problem solved.
Try Jet....(although I’m sure they are murdering puppies in the back alleys).
Try Jet....(although I’m sure they are murdering puppies in the back alleys).
*sound of hitting a nail directly on the head*
How can you can you say no one at Gawker Media has any beliefs? Haven’t we seen the emails from Denton to the staff, editor to staff, etc....This is like saying Roger Ailes has no impact on Fox News, Rupert Murdoc on NewsCorp, Zuckerman on Facebook....you want me to believe you operate under the flag of totally…
How can you can you say no one at Gawker Media has any beliefs? Haven’t we seen the emails from Denton to the staff,…
You, yourself, said the MTA was a “dumpster fire” in one of your “deal” posts...to act like you aren’t biased is foolish, and this bias comes from the information spread by Gawker Media, correct or incorrect. Hell, there’s an NY Times story saying your commissions from amazon is paying for the editorial payroll! That…
You, yourself, said the MTA was a “dumpster fire” in one of your “deal” posts...to act like you aren’t biased is…
I’m not going to sit here and act like this isn’t all a money grab, but i think it’s hypocritical that on one end of this media tube “gawker media” bashes Amazon for being a terrible place to work, while the other arm pushes pay per click commission “sales”...I’m sure there’s an ethics argument in all of this, but…
I’m not going to sit here and act like this isn’t all a money grab, but i think it’s hypocritical that on one end of…
WINDOWS 7 FO’ LIFE. FUCK YOU MICROSOFT! ...even though I’m still running your OS...IT’S OLD. HAHA!
So piping the deals through Amazon, who takes a 15-25% cut from the vendor and puts them through misery to ensure product placement is better? Or that as a customer you must pay 99 dollars a year or they hold your packages for 5-7 days prior to shipping? REALLY?
So piping the deals through Amazon, who takes a 15-25% cut from the vendor and puts them through misery to ensure…
I’ve noticed that all your deals now skew about 80-90% “on amazon”...as a site that continually calls out Amazon for poor working conditions and being owned by an asshole, I would think this integrity would spill over to the deals section? Apparently not. FUCK AMAZON.
I’ve noticed that all your deals now skew about 80-90% “on amazon”...as a site that continually calls out Amazon for…
No, didn’t care for them. Like i said, just my opinion. I understand NBA2K16 is “AAA” but I don’t enjoy basketball, in life or in virtual life.
I think you fail to realize that most people coming from PS3 or XBOX 360 (since games with gold has really stepped up) EXPECT the plus membership to provide “FREE” games monthly. It’s a huge selling point. Multiplayer access isn’t as important to most people as you think....MAYBE THEY TOO BUSY STYLIN’, PROFILIN’,…
OK HERE WE GO, BEST PS4 PLUS GAMES IMHO: Strider, Don’t Starve, Mercenary Kings, Fez, Binding of Isaac, Injustice (barely), Swapper, Transistor, Guacamelee, Stealth Inc, 2, Xeodrifter, Broforce...the rest has been shit. With the last “good” game being 4 months ago and the rest being from last year.
If I didn’t have an active interest and habit in Overwatch, I would be doing the same thing. As a day 1 PS4 buyer, PS PLUS has been absolute shit since the start. I believe the issue is that they have sold a ton of units and it’s hard for sony to either buy or convince game company’s to just “give it away”....
Had tons of issues actually getting recorded footsteps, various freezes, etc. It has totally ran like shit, flat out. In 6 months, might be the greatest thing, now it’s a mess. Seems to be getting better? Why isn’t this active in the background? The fact that the app has to be OPEN and SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF MY…
In Nascar they call it “100 mph tape” because you can fix shit going 100 mph.
It’s pretty clear the designers themselves got mad at the “tank and block” tactics...the enemies in DS3 are FAR MORE brutal to defensive play in my opinion...which is great! Fun. Exciting.