
Some heroes don’t wear capes.

Somewhere out there, a driver is refusing to deliver pizza with pineapple.

contractors have the right to refuse any job.”

But not to take the money and fuck off with it, while blocking the customer to get the order delivered by someone else.

If your religious beliefs prevent you taking Plan B, that is fine, dumb but fine, but you oughtn’t be allowed to push your religious wackadoodle stuff onto others. If it ain’t going into your body, then it ain’t your problem. What an asshole.

Don’t worry, if any other auto company CEO had a side gig company that killed a dozen monkeys with a brain implant chip, we’d report on that, too. I’d be more than happy to rake Mary Barra over the coals for such a fiasco.

Viewers are also generally not thrilled about Danica Patrick’s inclusion as a regular. I think she took a recent media position with F1 so it makes sense they’d include her, but man people are not happy about it.

“Tell us that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class without saying that you didn’t pay attention in HS civics/US Government class”

I mean, if a character has the ability to instantaneously change their body at will, I feel like it would be stranger for them NOT to be non-binary.

Even by TERFs own rules, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

“Your gender is determined by your biology! Sex and gender are the same!”

“My biology says that I can change

Tesla couldn’t be prouder... “Yeah we have employees, but don’t trust them!”


But don’t you think these are classic Tesla / Musk moves / logical fallacies? What I mean is scenarios in which they assume something hasn’t been done before because everyone else is an idiot, instead of considering that other very sophisticated auto manufacturers who literally spend every waking moment thinking about

Others are in favor of their Cybertrucks developing orange stains, saying that they’re looking forward to the patina the stainless steel may develop.

How did Tesla start selling these without testing this? Every vehicle I know of spends time in an accelerated corrosion environment before being sold to customers.


That last picture really sells it. These things might not literally turn orange in 6 months, but there is clearly already texture issues that normally don’t arise on normal cars until at least a decade of mother nature pounding on it.

Don’t drive it in the rain or get it wet? Is this a truck or a museum piece? What an utter shit show.

Oh no! The humanity! You bought a 1st generation EV truck that has had nothing but problems during the entire development process. After years of issues and concerns, you still paid 100k for a giant hunk of steel that looks like it wasn’t ready to hit the market yet.

Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “ it in the rain, or get it wet.

I cant imagine the shit storm in America if we tried to do something productive and progressive like this.
Durr how come they wont pay for my pickup truck?- duurrr fucking socialism..., more handouts for the poor....

I have literally never said nobody should need a larger vehicle. I will absolutely decry buying a larger or more expensive vehicle than you need/can afford, however. If you’re pulling a lot of weight regularly, by all means, get the thing that fits your needs. If you’re hauling air, that’s stupid.

People who regularly